blogger, books, fredrick backman, Georgia Hunter, historical fiction, Kate Quinn, Kristin hannah, Lisa Wingate, Mary AnnShffer, summer reading

Summer reading…..

*This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn some money if you click on one.*

Summer is usually a time to relax, enjoy the season and indulge in pleasures that are neglected during the school year. Although I have habits that I keep year long, the one that picks up a bit more during the summer is reading.  Same for my kids.  During the school year they read books that are assigned and not always their first choice.  So summer allows them to choose books for fun, and they seem to read more due to the fact it is optional.

My summer reading is more of summer listening.  I find, as a working mom of 4 busy kids, listening to books is more suitable for my current lifestyle.  I use Amazon’s audible app, and I love it!  Not only do I have every choice of a book out there, but with my subscription, I get one free book per month. Plus, they are usually read by someone with an amazing voice, that keeps me intrigued through some books that aren’t that great.

I love Historical fiction, so a lot of these fall into that category, but I also branch off into highly recommended authors or others that just peak my interest during a search.  Here are a few of my recent favorites: